Page name: Sunset couples [Logged in view] [RSS]
2005-11-11 00:01:09
Last author: Kiristo
Owner: Kiristo
# of watchers: 1
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After they fixed up the restarant, they returned home, where Echa and Knuckles sat together on the porch.

[Lady Alaina][, you wanted more Echa and Kuckles together, well here it is.~_^]

They sat, cuddled together, watching the lovely sunset. Echa sighed as though tired. Knux looked down at her, "Something wrong?" "Oh, guess I'm just tired from today's excitment." She smiled. "I wouldn't blame ya. Especially after all the shopping you did." Kunx joked. "I think that wore me out the most." Echa giggled. "Yeah, then you made me carry them up the road." Kunx said, almost laughing. "Well....Only because I met you on the road...and I had so many bags....." Echa said guiltaly and they giggled a bit. They spent the rest of their time talking.
Meanwhile, Hiei and Rika sat together on a cliff outside the town. They sat next to each other, holding hands. Rika looked wistfully out to the sea. Hiei looked at her, "What's wrong?" "Why do you think that?" Rika asked. "You always look like that when something isn't right." Hiei pointed out. "...As much as I like fighting and slaying demons, sometimes I wish we could have some bit of peace. Though with this hell of a world, it won't happen." Rika said. "It's true that the three worlds are a living hell, but you might find what your looking for eventually." Hiei put his arm around her.

Now, Yuniko stood by herself on the beach side, looking out at the sunset glisten on the sea. Kurama came up behind her and put his arms around her, and placed his head on her shoulder so he leaned up against her back. "Reminds me of the sunsets back home..." Yuniko said. "Home? You mean at Atlantic." Kurama questioned. "Yeah...I miss it sometimes..." Yuniko said.

Sonice stood on a cliff, by the shore, away from Yuniko and Kurama, as he watched the sunset. Then Amy ran up behind him, panting, "SONIC!" he looked back at her, "Hi, Amy!" Amy walked up beside him, catching her breath, "Where have you been, Sonic! I've been looking all over!" She scolded. "Sorry Amy." Sonic said with a sweat drop. "Of forget it. I know you can't stay in one place for long." Amy said, grabing his arms and putting her head on his shoulder and Sonic looked with another sweat drop.

Keiko stood by Tamika's bedside, waiting for her to wake from her coma. Yusuke walked in and stood next to Keiko, "Hey, she'll be alright, okay? Don't worry yourself so much." "How can you be so carefree, Yusuky? She's in a coma!.....What if she doesn't wake up?" Keiko now had tears rimming her eyes. "She'll wake up. She's pretty strong on her own. So no crying." He wiped the tears from her eyes and she smiled. Keiko turned back to Tamika as Yusuke walked to the door, but before he did, "You should get some sleep too." and he walked out.

Leigh sat out on the proch railing at the house. She had a smile on and her eyes closed as a breeze brushed past. Then Yami walked out onto the porch and leaned on the railing next to her. Then Leigh put one of her hands through her hair, "AH! Isn't this such a beautiful evening!? A nice calming breeze, a beautiful sunset. Just perfect!" She had her hands griped on the rail as she leaned back for a breif moment. "Hm...Yeah, it is." Yami agreed with a chuckle in his voice. "Heard you got to play hero taday." He laughed. "Only a little. The others fought too." Leigh said, leaning back again. "Still, you don't fight too often. I'm surprised that you at least didn't even get a bruse." Yami said. "Guess your a way." she caught a glance at him. He giggled and held her hand.

Talim sighed and hugged her knees. She sat in a feild where the wind blew, almost constantly. Duke came up behind her and sat beside her, hugging her. "Hey, Talim. What's up?" He asked in a friendly way. "Just relaxing, Boo." She answered. "The house is strangly calm and semi-empty." Duke said. "Everyone loves sunset hour. But mostly every couple does." Talim smiled and Duke laughed.

Mayumi sighed. She sat on a cliff, outside the town, and in a forest. Koga was beside her as she rested her head on his shoulder. "Tired?" He questioned. " sunset I always get sleepy." Mayumi said weakly. "Geeze, I don't know how you wear yourself out so quickly, but when you do you sure go all out." Koga laughed. "Yeah....sure......." Mayumi began to drift to sleep and he held her close.

Inuyasha stood outside the door, also watching the sun go down. He looked pissed as he had his hands in his sleeves. Than Kagome came out, "Hey, Inuyasha! Would you like somethign to eat? I made your favorite! Stake!" she said in a cheery way, but Inyasha didn't look at her, "No thanks..." "Oh come on. I know your hungry. You could at least try it. I tried a different recapie and I think I've just about got it right." She smiled, holding the plate out. "I said no." Inuyasha repeated. "Inuyasha, just try it! Come on!" She persisted. "Kagome, I said NO!" he shouted and she jumped a little. "Uh...I'm sorry if I scared you..." He apologized. "No, it's alright. I know your stresed that you weren't able to get Naraku again, but I'm sure we'll get him next time, Inuyasha!" Kagome smiled, trying to stay positive. "I wish it were that easy...." Inuyasha mumbled almost. "What do you mean?" Kagome questioned. "Everytime we catch up to Naraku, he always gets away....but it also feels like everytime he get's away, he get's farther away from us. Farther out of reach. That bastard keeps staying one step ahead of us!" Inuyasha said through the grind of his teeth, and looking at his claw. "Inuyasha..." she whispered

Miroku sat by himself on a hill as twilight approched soon. "Miroku? What are you doing out here?" A fimilier female voiced asked from behind. He turned, "Ah Sango. Come and join me. The sun is rather nice this evening." He invited her over. A little reluctantly she walked over to him and joined him. Sitting down she wraped her arms around her knees, loosly. Miroku smiled toward her and she looked away with a blush. Miroku was a bit confused, "Something wrong?" Ah! No I'm perfectly fine!" She said. He smiled and touched her butt. She blushed with extream embaresment and slaped him hard across the face. He was left with a red mark as Sango stormed away.

Starfire flew up to the roof, looking around she found Robin, "Oh, hello Robin. I see you are enjoying the peacefulness of the sunset." "Hey, Starfire. Wanna join me?" He asked. "Thank you Robin, that'd be...delightful." She smiled and stood beside him.

Poor Tamika, all by herself, looked out the window sill with a hand on her cheek, "It's nice....just wish I could shar this with someone....." Then Vivian poped up from the shadows beside her, "Hello!" "Oh, hello Viv. You have a nice nap?" Tamika smiled at her friend. "Oh it was GREAT! I should nap more often. I hadn't gotten that much peace in AGES!" Vivian said and Tamika giggled along with her. Then Ed walked in, "Hey, what's so funny?" Tamika looked back at him, "Oh, we're just joking around. Ya wanna see the sunset?" "Sure, that'd be nice." He said and walked over to see, "Hey, this isn't bad." "Yup! I LOVE watching the sunset. Especially if it's with my friends." Tamika smiled. Soon, every one else who wasn't with their boy/girlfriend, came to join them.

By the next day, the house was under attack. Tamika blocked an attack by a demon, "Where did they all come from!?" "I dunno, but who cares! Just as long as we can beat their fricin' @$$e$ outta here!" Yusuke said as he punched through some demons. Ed sliced through a few more with his blade that he transmuted on his automail arm, "Yeah, but WHERE did they come from!?" "I'll kill the bastard who sent them for one thing! KAAAA!" Rika sliced through many demons with her double elbow swords. "SHADE FIST!" Vivian used her Shade Fist(Fire Fist) to burn some, "I just hope they don't destoy the house...." Echa kicked down one, but as more came, she became engulfed in the crowd of demons, "KNUCKLES!" She screamed out. "I'M COMMING!" He was able to punch through some and saved her, picking her up and jumping in a tree to avoid more. "Are you alright?" He asked and Echa had her arms around his neck, "I am, thank you soooo much!" She gave him a kiss on the cheek and he turned a bit red and smiled.

Tamika threw her hands on the ground, than a huge blast of energy rose up and demonlished a whole line of demons.
As Rika slane a few more demons, one almost sliced her back if it wasn't for Hiei who blocked with his sword. "Thank's, Hiei" She peeked over her shoulder as they stood back to back, fending off demons. "Your welcome, just pay attention." He said. "I will." Rika said, eyeing some more demons.
"Azerath, Metrion, ZINTHOS!" Raven used her power to throw trees into the demontic army as Starfire shot her starbolts. "Bomb-omb Bergade!" Bobbery bent over, revealing the spinning ship wheel on his back. Then tiny bomb-ombs formed above him, fuses lit, and one by one they fell onto the rapidly sphinning wheel and were sent flying into the demons. When the bomb-ombs hit they exploded. Sonic used his homming attacks to blast through the demons. AL and Cyborge used brute force. Robin used hit martial arts and his metal staff. Koga and Mayumi used a series of differnt attacks from martial arts to claws and such. Inuyasha, of cource, used his Tetsiga and claws. Kagome shot a few arrows from the top of the porch roof of the house. Yuniko and Kurama stood back to back. Kurama with his Rose Whip and Yuniko had her fists up with water swirling around them. Rena stood with them with her fists raised as well. Demons surrounded them and then charged. Yuniko stomped her foot forward and punched her fist out, creating a wave of water flow from her fist. Rena threw her hands in the air and a slab of the ground rose up like a bullet and came down on the army as soon as she threw her hands down. Kurama sliced threw the demons with his whip. But when Yuniko was preparing another water bending attack, a demon came up from behind and hit her over the head. With a scream she fell to the ground, unconcious. "YUNIKO!" Rena called out in vain to her sister, for she was engulfed in the army. Kurama gasped and ran toward her. Though, more demons blocked his way, he became impaient, knowing the demons where going to eat his girlfriend. "Rose Whip Thorn Wheel!" He spun his whip around him, slicing a number of demons out of the way and he rushed to Yuniko's side. Having no time to make sure she was alright, he scooped her up and jumped to the porch roof where he knelt down and Kagome rushed over to see, "Is she alright?" Kurama brushed the hair from her face, "I think she will. She's just unconcious. Kagome." He turned to her. "Yeah?" "Take her down to the hospitle wing." He told Kagome, handing Yuniko over to her. Kagome nodded, "Right." And took her, climbing back threw the window, into the room on the second story, and then rushed down to the hospitle area under the house.
It was already quite busy down there. Sango and Shippo were injured and they sat on bed pans. Miroku had a few cuts and scrapes with bandages around his arm, and the arm in a sling. Kooper had gotten his shell cracked and nurses were working to repare him. Koops had a bandage over his beakish nose and on his knee. Along with his arm in a cast. Miyuki appeared to be in critial care as Kagome saw a breathing mask over her mouth and nose. Nurses and doctors worked franticly on her. Tails sat on a bed with Amy at his side, conviceing him not to go back out. Apparently he had crashed his plane. Kuwabara had really gotten hurt as he lay on a bed, fluctuating between conciousness and unconciousness. Maddam Flurrie, Mario, and Luigi hand bandaids, bandages, and casts on them as they stood against the walls in the hall.
 Kagome ran through the halls, looking for a spare room to put Yuniko in. After a bit, she stopped again, seeing Leigh in critical condition in a room. Yami, Tea, Tristin, Joey, and Yugi were watching outside the room as doctors tended to her. Talim and Duke were outside fighting. FINALLY, Kagome found a spare room, rushed in and put Yuniko on the bed. Panting Kagome brushed the hair from her own face and then looked around, "NURSE! NURSE! Oh it's no use!" She looked around the room and got some bandages and things and started tending to Yuniko. When she was done, she wiped her forhead with sigh, "PHEW!" Then a she heard nurses passing by outside, "She's in a coma and critiacal condition." "How do we stop the bleeding. We're almost out of bandages!" "This one's alright, I'm just concerned about them." "Another!? When will all this end!?" "I hope....she will make it through the night..." "WE NEED LIFE SUPPORT! STAT!" "Doctor James, the patient in room two needs you..." "Someone get me some bandages!"
Kagome frowned, "When...will all this end?"

>> Hospital Madness

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2005-04-24 [Lady Alaina]:*dies from beauty of it all*

2005-04-24 [Kiristo]: LMFAO!.^^.

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